Mohicans style Monster Diesel VEKTR headphones review

VEKTR is a monster with the fashion brand launched by disci joint headphone set Noise’s first division series headphones, this headset boldly broke the tradition of style and performance, the two have silk oxygenation on headphone ear head, black, gray, and in stark contrast to the brushed aluminum material. This headphone connects headphones cable with special triangle to prevent wire tie. Design is very detailed.
VEKTR be designed to represent the design innovation-dedication and attention to detail. Details include two headphone style designs on silk oxygenation head on the hood, black, gray, and brushed aluminum reflective highlights in austere contrast, there are also different finishing (shiny, rough and plastic-like coating). As a unique design element, even the headphone wire has a unique triangle to prevent the tie. VEKTR headset also comes with a unique black canvas travel bag.
Monster Diesel VEKTR headphones

Ear headphones provide users with a comfortable, first-class hearing solutions, achieving a seamless fusion of fashion and high quality. In addition to significantly improve the sound effects, has a striking and unusual appearance. This headset has over top of the facet modeling, totally distinct from the traditional circular headphones. Each Deluxe headset has a unique diamond-cutting on the hood “design” tag. Monster VEKTR headset gives a unique sound experience, high quality sound effects and unique visual design of the strong offensive of the senses, and enhancing the standard of music listening experiences original self-expression.

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