Nokia purity Monster HD headphones review

monster-Nokia Purity HD

Quite frankly not a lot of fun alternatives for Windows Phone users, and Nokia announced their partnership with Monster Beats I was thrilled. The result is two different products provide four colors, each: purity, in the ears and ear Monster Beats purity on its borders the most famous, the rhythm of the music by Dr Dre brand. By Dr Dre Studio HD is purity, beat more or less modified version, although a bit small in size. Considered a solo HD Studio has hit a point to shrink.
We all know that Nokia can produce some great phones, and recent signs of Lumia 800 and 900. We also know Monster Beats can create some very cool tanks and enhanced bass as a selling point. Now the two, to create a new set of headphones to promote the new Nokia Lumia 900, sales, Windows Phone users something fun for their devices.

It sounds funny, and powerful bass purity HD great things. It is not heavy, or deep, by Dr Dre Studio beats. Instead more punch, and tight that it makes them less bass heavy music is more versatile. Writing this review I am listening to all kinds of music all sounding great in the tank. New venom album prosperity in my mind, and bass but are still clearly not buried drums or vocals. Also has a good dispersion spectra to the depth of sound. Still I will not ask the sole proprietor of ways, great sound, because that would be afraid to use them. But use the term only for fun. Your most fun you can find using the Windows Phone.

Entirely using Nokia Lumia 900 microphone and volume control handle. Square design controls is larger, but harmonizes with the General design of the headset. Compatibility controls do not explain the details, but I have tried to use the Samsung Galaxy S3 of the volume, and play/pause. IPhone/iPad or Mac using pure HD works just as any kind of headphone. Controls do not work, but they don’t interfere.

Flat cables look clean, free of charge and should really be a dispute. But this is not so, and it wound a lot.

And for all except metal headband and a number of other small metal details of the purity of the same color HD design is clean. Cyan, red and violet models through the crowd, stand up to the best, if you are a Nokia Lumia smartphones to, is a signature color.

If iPhone have enabled the great microphone headset do you have too many options on the outside. Android system has only confused, and you are the best to use with any of your cell phone. For Windows Phone you finally get something, proud to wear, exclusive platform. Nokia HD is pure fun, looks cool and works as well as headphones.
I will start it with the bad first. Beats by Dre Studio metallic head with plastic have broken reputation. This is not simply a reputation, and I saw a lot of rest time, even have cracked TouchGen samples tested. Same problem may plague Nokia purity HD, because they share the same basic design. In addition rather heavy earmuffs, existed problems and sharing flimsy headband. If they have a purity of HD, an earcup, and gently shake it soon started reverbing it might hurt it. Which made it feel fear, groaning and there are quite a lot of material. Build quality is not great, and I oppose the proposal to use these activities. Use on the train when you sit down to their excellent work.

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