Medical professional. Dre’s Beats Electronic Claims Yamaha Cloned Headphone’s Design


Dr. Dre’s Beats Electronics is using Yamaha to court for copying the design of the NWA rapper’s headsets. The company claims that Yamaha’s “PRO” headphones effectively copy the style of their product.

The lawsuit claims that buyers have chosen Beats headsets for their look plus the sound they produce. “Consumers appreciated the style, as well as the appear quality, of Beats and began sporting the Beats headphones around their necks being a fashion accessory even when not playing music. fact the design of the Beats headphones is a huge significant driver of the commercial success with the products, ” claims the suit in accordance with beats by dre.

According to be able to Beats Electronics, the two products are so similar in features that side-by-side comparisons reveal tiny difference, and they say that may leave consumers confused about the 2 products when they visit suppliers.

Additionally, Yamaha as used Dre’s name inside their ad campaigns and ignored any warning filed by Beats. The company is seeking $75, 000 in damages regarding Trade Dress Infringement, Unfair Opposition and Patent Infringement.

Studio room Beats by dre


Your Beats by Dr. Dre distinctive line of on-ear headphones was created by Dr. Dre, the celebrated music producer, audio industrial engineer and rapper. His philosophy behind this distinctive line of headphones was to generate a product that could reproduce a similar level of detail and dynamics you’d probably hear if you were sitting inside studio when the tunes was recorded.

The Studio headphones include the only pair of noise-canceling headphones inside Beats collection. They have comfortable earpads along with active noise-cancellation technology to help you get the most out of your respective music. Studio Beats by simply Dr. Dre are quite possibly the most stylish noise-canceling headphones available. They come in numerous sleek shades, including dark-colored, white and red. Although these are quite expensive, we gave these earbuds the TopTenREVIEWS Silver Award because of their incredible sound quality, stylish design and convenience.

When you use these headphones for the 1st time, it’s as if you happen to be hearing your music for the 1st time. You can suddenly have the pulsing bass and pick up each precise detail while you’ve never heard the idea before. Using these noise-canceling headphones making you appreciate the minute details in music and also the care that goes straight into performing and mixing that will music.


Monster Inspiration Productive Noise Cancelling

Studio Beats have a very frequency response of 20 Hz for you to 20, 000 Hz. This can be a full range of audio frequencies the human ear can hear Relating to the active noise cancellation plus the comfortable earpads, you can easily find harmonies and individual instruments you possibly will not have noticed in your music before. The striped bass is loud and combinations well with other play sounds, blending your familiar music into something sounds almost new.

These headphones have a very sensitivity of 108 dB. Consequently they can play in high volumes without qualifications static or hissing. There isn’t a passive play mode, while the battery runs out and about, the headphones stop participating in music. This is inconvenient if your battery dies in the heart of a long flight as well as drive.

We tested the Studio Beats headset which has a playlist of different songs and found that they can improve the sound quality of not simply bass-heavy songs, but every single genre of music. Whether you’re following the latest hip-hop or possibly a Beethoven symphony, you won’t always be disappointed. Listening to music with noise-canceling headphones reveals background vocals, hidden tempos, and the sounds of instruments maybe you have never noticed before. These headphones are most often best-suited to playing reputation and hip-hop music, in particular when you enjoy heavy bass as part of your songs.

These headphones appear in several different colors, nonetheless they all have a classy design. The first issue we noticed about these kind of headphones was their lustrous look. It is eye-catching, but at risk of smudges. Thankfully, the headset has an cloth for wiping your headphones down.

This headset comes with a adjustable headband and rotating ear cups, so you’ll be able to adjust it to in shape comfortably. The Studio Beats headphones may be bulky and heavy, analyzing over 9 ounces. On the other hand, they have a collapsible design that permits them to fold up and fit into a carrying case. The travel case is small enough to adjust to in a bag, which are this headset perfect pertaining to travel.

There is a mute button for the right earcup that, in case pressed, will mute the sound and forestall the noise cancellation because you hold it down. This can be convenient when listening for you to someone speak or tuning straight into your surroundings.

Ease of usage:
The Studio Beats by Dre headset has an 4. 26-foot long connector cable which has a standard 3. 5 mm connection. It also includes a new Monster iSoniTalk cable, which permits you to connect simultaneously to your headphones, an iPhone and the microphone so as to take and make messages or calls. There are also a pair of adapters: a two-pronged adapter and also a ¼-inch adapter. Both adapters let you plug the headphones right more powerful audio source say for example a jack on an airline. A carrying case and cleaning cloth are included with the earbuds.

These headphones require a pair of AAA batteries. Unfortunately, because there isn’t a passive play mode, in the event the batteries die the earbuds stop playing music totally. To prevent having to get without music during your current travels, we recommend carrying extra batteries in the event that.

Help & Support:
Your Beats by Dr. Dre site has links to Creature product support. From generally there, you can find product or service manuals, user guides, Frequently asked questions, product registry, a substitution parts store, warranty data and support contact data. There is no are living chat feature, but you’ll be able to contact customer support by way of email or telephone.

These noise-canceling headphones come pre-loaded with a one-year warranty. You can even examine instructions for obtaining repairs or possibly a replacement product on Monster’s assist website. Monster warns every one of its customers and customers that many sellers claim to get authorized Monster product traders but actually sell bogus products. When purchasing this device, make sure it emanates from an authorized seller when you buy it to help you take full advantage in the warranty and other Creature product deals. There is often a complete list of certified dealers on Monster’s site.

The Beats variety of headphones are all top-quality, nevertheless we really appreciate your Studio headset. The noise-cancellation technology is quite effective and the headset themselves is comfortable and tough. Besides being useful along with reliable headphones, they are a nice-looking piece involving eye candy. Studio Defeats by Dr. Dre are among the best noise-canceling headphones we analyzed, and although we would like they included a unaggressive play option, we still endorse them.

Defeats Solo review


Design and style and Features
We’ve somehow managed to will lose out on reviewing the Creature Beats Solo Headphones for quite a while now, which we imagined was a shame given the number of talk about these people. Having finally gotten your hands on pair, however, we’re not sure it turned out worth the trouble for the reason that Beats Solos aren’t exactly the best headphones on the globe, or even the top for their £130 cost. But then, do you expect less coming from a company that will encourage that you spend £350 while on an HDMI cable?


We mustn’t be too harsh. The Beats Solos do have a very lot going for the children, and in the correct circumstances we are able to see why one might come faraway from listening to these people having enjoyed the feeling. The design, for a start, is a good results story; the matt conclude makes the Solos feel as if £130 worth involving headphones should, along with looks great.

There’s a respectable amount of padding for the headband and earpads, making the Defeats Solos comfortable for you to wear for a long time, unless you have a very large enough head to the pressure to be excessive. The sliding size-adjustment to the headband has an excellent, mechanical feel for it, and locks straight into place securely. We found that this articulated swivel design which fixes the earcups on the headband gave a good degree of liberty, so you could move the Defeats Solos around on the head a fair bit nevertheless have a very good fit.


The headband is often a little thin, and not enough to cause any bother about its durability. A nice feature in the headband is that it must be hinged, letting the Solos fold inside their supplied neoprene travel case (another price-justifying addition) – a feature mimicked by your copycat Fanny Wang On-Ear Wangs.

One particularly well thought out aspect is your removable cable as well as, rather, cables. The ‘standard’ wire is chunky however reasonably flexible, and possesses a particularly durable-looking connection at each stop, while the second boasts an in-line rural and mic, for use with iPhone and also other compatible devices. The provision involving both an iPhone-friendly and also a ‘normal’ cable is extremely good, as it implies the Beats Solos never break with elderly players that can’t manage the revised connector that’s needed is for headsets.

Sadly rapidly quality on the planning front, the Beats have a very serious problem using audio reproduction, which left several staffers with impacts from underwhelming for you to ‘the worst headphones We’ve ever heard. ‘ Considering many of the good things we’ve discovered Monster audio solutions, and the £130 asking price on the Solos, many of us were understandably dissatisfied.

The problem will be the overwhelming bass response in the Solos, and if we say overwhelming many of us don’t just necessarily mean strong. Unless you hear music with an incredibly anaemic low-end, or adjust your current player’s equalizer to pay, bass lines throb over some other facet of your Solos’ output. Inside Solos’ limited defence, there’s a good a higher level detail in this specific powerful low-end, possesses a warm enveloping texture for it, but with almost the most limited number of music it’s so enveloping about be suffocating.

This is the shame because when there’s a good amount of detail hidden inside mid and high-end when not staying trampled on with the bass. In intros for you to songs we usually found ourselves thinking whether we just weren’t being too harsh on the Solos, as your reproduction had true clarity, but and then came the striped bass to ruin your reproduction. From Dr Dre’s We need a Doctor by way of Muse’s Space Dementia for you to Wagner’s Die Walkure it turned out the same history.


We can’t help but talk about that the a lesser amount of attractively named Fanny Wang On-Ear Wang headphones do a lot better job of aimed towards the bassy, however detailed style that this Beats Solos are targeting. It’s also worth noting that this Beat’s Solos apparently need a great deal of power, as our kama’aina ( iPod nano wasn’t capable to supply much size (although ironically this became almost an improvement mainly because it helped de-bass your tone a little).


After listening on the Skullcandy Aviator’s, we weren’t ready for that any fashion headphone would have a greater low-end error, but the Creature Beats Solos deal with it. Monster’s headphones earn themselves somewhat using design and building, but not ample to justify the cost.

Seven Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor announces Defeats By Dre partnership Singer confirms she has gone into business using headphone firm

Tweet Nine Inch Toenails news RSS FeedTrent Reznor has announced that they is working on “a amount of interesting projects” with your Beats By Dre firm.

Reznor, who recently revealed his new band Tips on how to Destroy Angels, announced the modern business deal with your headphone company on the Facebook page, stating that the cope allowed him to “experiment” and also “focus his energy”. The 1st fruits of the deal are going to be available in 2013, they wrote.

“Some of maybe you have read that I have begun utilizing Beats By Dre. To the past year I have indeed been included in Dre, Jimmy Iovine, Henry Wood, and the other team on a amount of very interesting projects that will start to emerge next year, ” he wrote. “I are actually wanting to experiment along with focus my energy and creativity in most different directions, and Defeats has afforded me that will very opportunity. The process has been recently challenging and fascinating and just as much as I’d like to share with you the things we’ve believed up… I just are unable to. Not yet… (I can show you it’s probably not precisely what you’re expecting! )”

Earlier this week Reznor revealed in a very conversation with David Byrne precisely how Radiohead inspired him to sign a serious label record deal earlier this coming year. Talking to the Chatting Heads frontman about the decision, Reznor said: “We’re participating in in Prague, but MY SPOUSE AND I see flyers up pertaining to Radiohead, who are playing a similar place we’re playing, few months from then. Then I approach the record shop, along with there isn’t a segment that says Nine Inches Nails. “

Reznor quit his last record brand, Universal, in 2007 saying that this company was overpricing the albums. How To Damage Angels release their ‘An Omen’ EP in November 13.

Assessment: Beats by Dr. Dre earbuds

I’m a trained musician and have composed a number of tunes in my occasion, so I know one thing or two about composing and following music. I used to experience a high-end audio system but nowadays spend almost all of my time listening to music received from my computer speakers or from headphones that come with my mobile phone as well as various music players. It’s thereby that I wasn’t too excited when some  Beats By dre simply Dre Headphones arrived. First off, the box they came up in was huge along with second, they’re of your higher-end variety (more when compared with $300) headphones; not something I thought would be beneficial to listening to music by having a computer or iPhone.


Before I share with you my experience, let me tell you more about these headphones. Good information I’ve read, Dr. Dre worked with Creature Cable and Robert Brunner, the industrial designer, for over two years to excellent these headphones. In Dr. Dre’s words:

“People aren’t hearing the many music. ”

“With Defeats, people are going to listen for what the artists pick up, and listen to the music the way they should: the way I truly do. ”

Based on your quotes above, I observed myself suddenly very interested.

The box that this “kit” comes in is pretty large, unnecessarily so, many people feel. I can only assume that it’s for the reason that headphones are pricey and they wanted you to experience something substantial. Once you open the box up the thing is that a zipped carrying scenario (containing the headphones), battery power, a 1/8″ to 1/4″ adapter using 24k gold contacts, a number of cables–one of which incorporates a built-in answer button along with microphone, a cleaning towel, and a getting commenced guide.

Fit and convenience
The headphones are incurred as having spaciously made ear cups. I actually remarked that right away. Most headsets I’ve tried out with ear cups absolutely cover your ear and actually sometimes mean you can sweat. This was not the case with the Dr. Dre Defeats; they felt comfortable and featured a great deal of adjustability.

Ease of employ
To get started I showed the battery compartment, cleverly hidden inside left ear cup. I then connected the cable with one end commencing the headphones and the opposite into my iPhone. In a very separate test I plugged the headphones inside my MacBook and played out music through iTunes.


In the event the batteries are in plus the cable is set, you first turn on a power switch, upon the right ear cup.


If you need to pause your music, there’s an integrated mute button on the midst of the right ear glass, and if you need to take a call, you’ll be able to click the microphone button for the cable and talk. While you’re done, just just click again.

Sound quality
This can be a part that shocked me essentially the most. I figured that these kind of headphones were probably only all marketing, with Dr. Dre and Monster Wire behind it. Thankfully, I was pleased. Within seconds of transforming the headphones on, MY SPOUSE AND I played the included biological materials. I immediately heard highly detailed highs and bass water removal lows. The most surprising thing over it was that I barely had the degree on half. Some headphones deliver a bass and also a decent high but you most often have to crank the size. This was not true with the “beats”.

Since sample music was at the bit rate of 1536 kbps, I figured I would try some of my music, at a touch rate of 192 kbps. Yet again, I was floored. Not simply did I hear your highs and lows, but I heard background noise in a very live broadcast of a new James Taylor song that I’ve heard numerous times, but never ahead of heard the noises. I also felt much like the sound was coming via behind me at tmes, which is no small feat for some headphones.

The only negative i found while testing your Dr. Dre Beats headphones is i actually started to feel nauseous before too long. I mentioned this inside my review of the Crystal clear Harmony headphones, and it’s something you do to me when I’m using kinds of noise canceling headphones. I had created other people test these people, too, and they didn’t have a nauseous feeling, so I realize it’s just me but not the headphones.

While these headphones are priced a lttle bit high (retail $349. 95), they are definitely the most effective in their class. While Dr. Dre said, “People aren’t hearing all the music” in relation to regular headphones. With your dr. dre beats you’ll hear things as part of your favorite tunes that due to knew existed.

The very best Headphones For Students


Music rocks !. We love music close to here, if you can’t inform; however, it’s not always useful to blast music through speakers inside a dorm room. With that unfortunate fact of life in your mind, here’s our guide about the best by dre headphones for university students!

You’ve probably been hearing those same old iPod earbuds for many of your teenage many years, so you might end up being thinking, “Why would I want different headphones? ” Actually, those stock earbuds sound terrible compared to a good pair associated with “cans”. They may end up being small and fashionable, but good-sounding they’re not.

Now, I’m not going to become an elitist audiophile and say you shouldn’t use stock earbuds once again; in fact, I use mine every single day at the gym so when I’m walking to course. They are, in 1 word, adequate. However, if you’re searching for sound quality or remoteness, they just won’t reduce it. That’s where our headphone guide is available in.

There are tons of quality beats headphones available that most people don’t learn about. In fact, if you asked an average joe what they consider to become beats studio headphones, you’ll nearly undoubtedly hear them state either “Bose” or “Beats Through Dre”.

Bose headphones aren’t poor. They’re really not. Actually, most people think these people sound absolutely amazing – and permanently reason. Compared to ipod device earbuds, they really tend to be fantastic. The only problem along with Bose headphones is that they’re overpriced for that quality you get.

Is better than By Dre headphones, however, aren’t worth buying whatsoever. At $350 retail, these overly bass-heavy cell phones are so overpriced which you may as well be giving your hard earned money to a Nigerian knight in shining armor. Essentially, all these headphones have to give you is the name of the artist that’s trying in order to salvage his career by creating a way to play other people’s songs.

Luckily, those aren’t the only real two options. There are lots of other headphones that are ideal for students, and this guide aims to exhibit you the best types we’ve found. When evaluating headphones with this post, I really only had two criteria in your mind:

They had to seem great
They had to become less than $130
Additional criteria, such as portability, sound cancellation, and comfort will be different in importance from college student to student; with that in your mind, I tried to choose several headphones, each that would fit a different choice.

Note: The prices listed here might not be the current price of every item. Prices naturally vary, so you may wish to check the price history of the item you’re considering before you decide to plunk down the cash for this.

Second note: If these recommendations are too pricey for you personally, I suggest checking away my broke-ass headphone guide for many cheaper picks. You may also hit up my in-ear keep track of guide if you’re searching for something that won’t provide you with headphone hair

Audio Technica ATH-M50

Cost: $115 on Amazon
Standout functions: Closed design, superb remoteness, minimal noise leakage, excellent bass
Recommended for: Just about all situations requiring isolation; loud environments
The ATH-M50s are distinctive on this list for their closed design. The closed nature from the headphones means that they are hands-down the best with regard to noise isolation. If you’re looking for a set of headphones that will help you to escape the noise developed by roommates, friends, or drunk people within the hallway, read no further and purchase these.

Aside from the truly amazing isolation the ATH-M50s supply, you also get excellent bass, mids, and levels. These are great all-around cell phones for sound clarity. The actual ATH-M50s are studio screens, which means that they provide an infinitely more accurate sound profile than a number of other headphones. Headphones that aren’t monitors are usually designed to sound “brighter”, or even more pleasing to the hearing. Nonetheless, these are a fantastic choice for music.

One issue you might run into with the actual ATH-M50s is comfort; being that they are closed headphones, they often clamp onto your mind tighter than most open up headphones. Personally, I didn’t have this issue, but some people perform. If you do encounter this issue, a good fix would be to stretch the headphones out for any night by putting them on something similar to a computer case or even some upright books.

Like the majority of quality headphones, these need a “burn-in” period before these people reach their full possible. Upon buying them, you’ll find they already sound incredibly much better than what you’re used in order to; however, after a few hours they get better still (the bass in particular advantages of burn-in).

All in just about all, the ATH-M50s are the very best headphones on the checklist for studying and getting away noisy environments. Out of all of the headphones I own, they are the ones I use most often – precisely for all those purposes.

Audio Technica AD700

Cost: $91 on Amazon
Standout functions: Open design, “3-D Wing” headpiece design, very wide soundstage, amazing clarity
Recommended for: Films, video games, music besides rock/rap/pop
Another fine set of phones from Audio-Technica, the AD700s really are a large set of headphones by having an open design and an extremely unorthodox look. The very first thing you notice when taking a look at them is the colours; purple cups with gold/cream trim isn’t the usual color mixture for headphones. Another unique feature may be the “3-D Wing System”, which replaces the typical headband that most earphones have. The system features 2 hinged wings that behave as a band. These wings are well-padded and therefore are super-comfortable; in fact, these headphones are one of the most comfortable that I’ve actually worn. One comment many people make about these headphones is that you simply forget you’re wearing them before long. Yes, they’re that comfy.

Aside from comfort, the standout feature from the AD700s is their soundstage. Soundstage describes how engrossing the sound is – should you imagine yourself in the concert hall, soundstage would make reference to where you were seated. Most headphones will put your several rows back; these put you directly on the stage. The soundstage is simply absolutely fantastic. Sound envelops your face in a complete 360 level radius, which makes these headphones an ideal choice for movies and video games. When I bought these types of, I tried them away first by playing several rounds of BioShock; I discovered the environmental sounds to become much, much more engrossing compared to they ever were arriving through speakers or additional headphones.

As for songs, these headphones are best for genres beyond rap, rock, and take. That’s because the bass inside them isn’t fantastic, so music having a hard, driving beat won’t make exactly the same impact that it would appearing out of other headphones. However, the clarity from the highs and mids is excellent with the AD700s. Acoustic music and movie soundtracks particularly sound great coming although these.

Grado SR80i

Cost: $99 on Amazon
Standout functions: Open design, retro appear, lightweight body, great largemouth bass
Recommended for: Rock, hip hop, pop – anything having a beat
Grado makes wonderful headphones for rock songs. The sound that arrives of these is punchier, much more raw, and much more immediate than what your get using the AD700s. If rock, hip hop, or pop is your own bag, and you don’t treatment much about isolation, they are for you.

The SR80i’s sport a retro look that’s either awesome or too similar to an Sky Captain-inspired automatic robot, depending on your viewpoint. I think they appear awesome, and I will be completely comfortable wearing them in public places.

Speaking of comfort, these headphones really are a treat to wear. They’re less awe-inspiringly comfortable at the actual AD700s, but their lightweight entire body and minimalist headband make sure they are very nice on your face. The only possible nitpick is how the cups aren’t very large, so the drivers contact your ears. This might bug many people, but I’ve had no discomfort from this.

monster beats by dre mixr

Price: $127 upon Amazon
Standout features: Open up design, tighter fit, excellent bass, wide soundstage
Suggested for: Buyers split between your AD700 and the SR80
beats by dre mixr has become the most recognized headphone maker that you simply won’t find at Greatest Buy. They’ve been making quality headphones for a long time, and I know lots of people who swear by all of them. The beats mixr are among the newer models beats by dre mixr offers released, and I was lucky enough every single child test out a pair owned by among my friends.

The very first thing I noticed about these is they fit a lot tight than then AD700s or even the SR80s – actually, they’re almost as tight since the closed ATH-M50s listed over. Still, they do function an open design, and that means you won’t have as a lot noise isolation.

My take on the HD518s is that they’re a compromise between the actual AD700s and SR80s. They are a lot better than the AD700s for rock/rap/pop, because they have much stronger largemouth bass. However, they have the much, much wider soundstage compared to SR80s (although still not really near as wide since the AD700s). If you can’t choose between those two previously mentioned models, go with these types of. You won’t be let down.

Monster beats DNA in-ear headphones review




Earplugs do always seem to be falling out of your ears? Can’t live without constantly pushing them down the street back? DNA in-ear headphones, Monster beats provides a lightweight, comfortable, and actually stays a premium earbuds in your ears. Monster national authorities also feature compatible with tandem ControlTalk cable resistance of iPhone and Android Tablet disputes.

Packaging and contents

Monsters beats by dre really have it down packed. Although not the most simple, it is a warm experience, opening the box is like a book, and is being submitted to you a completely new ear, arranged neatly. Below this, you will find very good mail bag full of travel 60% clips of different shapes and small and medium sized ear Apex and the power cord.


Impressive, very impressive. Many people will swear they heard the best headphones. Monster DNA-ear provides excellent sound quality and superb audio experience. They are very detailed and a very warm sound and clear. Highs are very precise, MIDs are beef and balance. These budding bass is very impressive, they cost a lot of oomph – likely compete directly with beats in-ear headphones. Bass is really strong and gets very low. Lucky is that it does not cover the music. DNA sounds equally as amazing for all types of genre of music. Listen to acoustic music, appreciate the warm, careful and accurate reproduction. Listen to electronic music, hear the exact high range audio. Of course, heard and listen to some rock and rap act like mini in-ear bass of the subwoofer.


Monster DNA-ear is the magic in a pair of headphones. In our view, they are almost as good as it gets. They are very comfortable to stay in our ears, features advanced audio, and even with the microphone line in ControlTalk. Whether you are moving a louder setting, or just hang at home or in the Office, they make for an amazing listening experience. $99.95 purchase price, we would highly recommend them as a gift for yourself after. They white or black is currently available on Amazon.


Big brother like DNA in-ear, ear headphones feature very sleek triangular design. Design is very attractive and familiar with a clean and shiny body and satin trim panel. Neat thing is they are out of the bud qiguang not cheap feeling. In fact, the build quality is actually pretty stable; you can expect them to increase.

Suitable for

DNA in the ear provides amazing fit that can be attributed to two things: silicon ear Apex and lightweight design. The DNA did not feel like being dismantled and they don’t put the pressure on your ears. Monster beats by dre Pack and silicone eartips six on them. Tip four spherical shapes, like many other tips, and with all ear sizes. And monster beats, including the double-and triple-flange ear apex. If you’re like me, never had luck with bubble-shaped ear tips, and flange design will change your life. Pushing it a bit stupid consider they are fairly deep in the ear, but fit and noise isolation is not like anything outside. It creates a perfect seal for your ears, extolling the superior audio of DNA and seriously.


Entangled in a single cable, is a ControlTalk buttons and control your smart phone’s microphone. Android and iPhone-friendly buttons to control the music, answer/hang up the phone, and also activates the voice features like Siri. ControlTalk is located in the left ear, is called clear several inches below microphone is the perfect location.

Premature end of DRE and Monster partnership


In Las Vegas, where celebrity headphones category showing signs of more crowded arrived during the consumer electronics show, the rhythm of the music. RAP 50% and Ludacris fall to plug their new SMS audio and soul Ludacris earphone wire, rows of the Chamber while RZA (partnership with clothing company we are more conspiracy) on CES Booth.

Beats by Dre and Monster Cable products in the end of the year, breaking up each new report from Bloomberg BusinessWeek. Although beats rising rapidly in the headphone category, 53% according to NPD Group data, 2011 $10 separation comes as millions of market leaders, the two sides have differences of revenue share and credits of the original idea of the report. “They want to be speaker, and I said, ‘ the new speaker of the headset, ‘” Monster CEO Noel · Lee told business week.

David Guetta DJ-friendly design headset beat Jazz
Not be returned immediately from beat executives on Friday to requests for comment.
Interscope founders Jimmy Iovine and beats President is quoted by the report, and plans to further expand the beat suite of products. (HP’s Pc and laptop) computers and Smartphones (HTC, in August last year the purchase of dollars and more than 300 million majority stake in beats), beat technology has expanded beyond headsets to cars (Chrysler 300 s sedan and 2012 Dodge Charger). “Music must be successful on the phone or other recording industry will never grow,” Iovine said in the report.


Wireless speaker “beats” introduce electronic sets new standards

Today announced that the company’s global product introduction premature shot, beats audio, portable wireless speaker with built-in patent and administrative expansion of premium headset with. Beat the current $ 100++ premium earphones with more than 56% markets in North America according to the NPD data threshold and the two new products will continue to increase across the form, function, design, and the most important thing is, the sound quality.
Premature pill first wireless speaker-NFC and playing with tap apt x easy and instant Bluetooth audio store shelves. Additional features include:
· Function-including all call when the microphone paired with your smart phone
· Four speaker system and beats by dre a unique voice profile
· Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries provide 7 hours of continuous play
· USB charging socket and the AC power adapter
· After 30 minutes automatically turns off no signal detection for longer battery life
· 3.5 m m line out connection to the external speaker system
· The built-in microphone hands free Conference
· The acoustic echo cancellation call clarity and feedback control
· 8 Bluetooth profiles


“Introduction of premature shot and administration is this year, change of independent consumer electronics company the perfect start to a real autonomy of the beat” say Dr Dre, President and Chief Operating Officer, Luke wood beat. ” These products demonstrate our total commitment to design, technological innovation and enhanced sound experience “.


Introduces beats Dr Dre beats beating wireless speakers, sound is King. Location of the drivers from the barbecue, premature pill specifically designed to optimize sound quality, and maximize volume. Premature pill is full integration with the company’s patented first beats audio algorithm product and also features exclusive speaker modules, providing the highest quality portable listening experience.

Nokia purity Monster HD headphones review

monster-Nokia Purity HD

Quite frankly not a lot of fun alternatives for Windows Phone users, and Nokia announced their partnership with Monster Beats I was thrilled. The result is two different products provide four colors, each: purity, in the ears and ear Monster Beats purity on its borders the most famous, the rhythm of the music by Dr Dre brand. By Dr Dre Studio HD is purity, beat more or less modified version, although a bit small in size. Considered a solo HD Studio has hit a point to shrink.
We all know that Nokia can produce some great phones, and recent signs of Lumia 800 and 900. We also know Monster Beats can create some very cool tanks and enhanced bass as a selling point. Now the two, to create a new set of headphones to promote the new Nokia Lumia 900, sales, Windows Phone users something fun for their devices.

It sounds funny, and powerful bass purity HD great things. It is not heavy, or deep, by Dr Dre Studio beats. Instead more punch, and tight that it makes them less bass heavy music is more versatile. Writing this review I am listening to all kinds of music all sounding great in the tank. New venom album prosperity in my mind, and bass but are still clearly not buried drums or vocals. Also has a good dispersion spectra to the depth of sound. Still I will not ask the sole proprietor of ways, great sound, because that would be afraid to use them. But use the term only for fun. Your most fun you can find using the Windows Phone.

Entirely using Nokia Lumia 900 microphone and volume control handle. Square design controls is larger, but harmonizes with the General design of the headset. Compatibility controls do not explain the details, but I have tried to use the Samsung Galaxy S3 of the volume, and play/pause. IPhone/iPad or Mac using pure HD works just as any kind of headphone. Controls do not work, but they don’t interfere.

Flat cables look clean, free of charge and should really be a dispute. But this is not so, and it wound a lot.

And for all except metal headband and a number of other small metal details of the purity of the same color HD design is clean. Cyan, red and violet models through the crowd, stand up to the best, if you are a Nokia Lumia smartphones to, is a signature color.

If iPhone have enabled the great microphone headset do you have too many options on the outside. Android system has only confused, and you are the best to use with any of your cell phone. For Windows Phone you finally get something, proud to wear, exclusive platform. Nokia HD is pure fun, looks cool and works as well as headphones.
I will start it with the bad first. Beats by Dre Studio metallic head with plastic have broken reputation. This is not simply a reputation, and I saw a lot of rest time, even have cracked TouchGen samples tested. Same problem may plague Nokia purity HD, because they share the same basic design. In addition rather heavy earmuffs, existed problems and sharing flimsy headband. If they have a purity of HD, an earcup, and gently shake it soon started reverbing it might hurt it. Which made it feel fear, groaning and there are quite a lot of material. Build quality is not great, and I oppose the proposal to use these activities. Use on the train when you sit down to their excellent work.